We now provide training by appointment
Do you own a reef tank in your home and need help servicing it?
We provide hands on training on how to care for your reef tank!
We show you the tricks of the trade in maintaining a beautiful saltwater Aquarium
What to purchase and where.
Cleaning glass, Cleaning sand bed, Cleaning live rock,
Cleaning pumps, Cleaning protein skimmer, Top off water,
Teach you about temperature in the aquarium,
How to maintain salinity, Calcium and Alkalinity and its importance
How or when to trim back corals
Proper feeding and diets for fish and invertebrates
How to make "frags" or to propagate corals
Tips on water changes
we also teach about livestock compatibility of fish, invertebrates or with corals
How it works is you contact us for an appointment and we come to you!
$125 for a 2 hour private in home training session for caring for your home reef aquarium
"best to learn from the best than to learn by making mistakes"
Contact us today